
Friday, September 23, 2011

Breasts Health

Breast Anatomy

breast anatomyThe breasts of an adult woman are milk-producing, tear-shaped glands. They are supported by and attached to the front of the chest wall on either side of the breastbone or sternum by ligaments. They rest on the major chest muscle, the pectoralis major.
The breast has no muscle tissue. A layer of fat surrounds the glands and extends throughout the breast.
The breast is responsive to a complex interplay of hormones that cause the tissue to develop, enlarge and produce milk. The three major hormones affecting the breast are estrogen, progesterone and prolactin, which cause glandular tissue in the breast and the uterus to change during the menstrual cycle.
Each breast contains 15 to 20 lobes arranged in a circular fashion. The fat (subcutaneous adipose tissue) that covers the lobes gives the breast its size and shape. Each lobe is comprised of many lobules, at the end of which are tiny bulb-like glands, or sacs, where milk is produced in response to hormonal signals. Ducts connect the lobes, lobules and glands in nursing mothers. These ducts deliver milk to openings in the nipple. The areola is the darker-pigmented area around the nipple.

How can I take care of my breasts?

Breasts change many times and in many ways over a woman's lifetime. Your breasts may nourish children, be a source of sexual pleasure, and may form part of your identity. Getting to know how your breasts normally feel and look is the first step towards promoting good breast health.

What are "normal" breasts?

Breasts, like women's bodies, come in all shapes and sizes. Their tissue is varied, they change as you age, and the left one may not look the same as the right. One breast may grow faster or larger than the other. How your breasts feel and look can be affected by many things including your menstrual cycle, pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause, and aging.

What can I do to have healthy breasts?

You can make lifestyle choices to improve your general health that will also benefit your breasts. These include:
  • being active and/or exercising regularly;
  • eating a variety of low-fat, high-fibre and whole grain foods;
  • eating at least 5 servings of dark green, orange and red vegetables and fruits daily;
  • washing your fruits and vegetables, or buying organic produce to reduce your exposure to potentially toxic chemicals;
  • eating foods daily that are high in phytoestrogens (plant estrogens or isoflavones) such as soy, lentils and grains–these foods have been linked in some studies to breast cancer prevention;
  • not smoking;
  • limiting the amount of alcohol you drink; and
  • limiting the caffeine you drink or eat–coffee, tea, chocolate, cola and some other soft drinks contain relatively high amounts of caffeine.
In addition to these lifestyle choices, you may choose to:
  • Get to know what your breasts feel like so that you'll know what is normal for you, and will recognize any changes that happen.
  • If you wear bras, wear comfortable loose-fitting bras.
  • learn the best way to examine your own breasts.


 Diet is very important in maintaining the good health of the breasts. Colored fruits like orange, banana, citruses, carrots and green vegetables are rich in vitamins and anti oxidants that prevent cancer and also slow down the aging process.

Avoiding carbohydrate rich foods and processed foods are good for healthy breasts.

Healthy fats like omega-3-fatty acids, nuts, avocados and coconut oil are essential for healthy breasts. Bran, porridges made from whole grains are rich in fibers that are beneficial for the female hormones.

Green and white tea is rich in anti oxidants and drinking 4-5 cups a day helps to maintain healthy breasts.

Xenoestrogen substances are chemical pollutants that must be avoided as they are the prime causes of breast cancer. They react with the estrogen hormone resulting in the under functioning of the hormonal system. The sources are pesticide loaded products, plastics, household detergents, commercial meat and diary products and poisoning effects of lead and mercury. Their effects can be encountered by consuming cabbages, broccoli, sprouts, kale that are rich in anti oxidants.

Too much smoking and drinking caffeine products must be avoided as they produce numerous free radicals that destroy the normal cells

Natural foods can fight carcinogens; fruits like cherries, grapes are rich in Ellagic acid that reduces the chances of breast cancer. These fruits also contain bioflavonoid that prevents the production of cancer cells. Chlorophyll, the green pigment found in plants prevents the damage of DNA of the cells. Food rich in beta carotene like carrots, pumpkins prevents cancer.

Breast massage can be highly beneficial to maintain healthy breasts. Studies show that the breast tissues can store lots of chemical wastes that are harmful for the body. Careful massaging of the breasts helps in flushing out the harmful toxins and wastes through the lymphatic system and restores the nutrients in the tissue.

Every women wishes to have healthy breast along with a healthy body.

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